2019 On Farm Trial : Agro-Forestry


Title of OFT

Source of Technology

Details of Technology



Organic Cultivation of Turmeric.




ICAR,Indian institute of Spices Research,Kozhikode,Kerala,2015



.Buffer zone 25-50ft

.Beds of 15cm height,1m width with 50cm spacing between beds

.Spacing of 45-60cm between ridges and 15-20cm between plants

.25g powdered neem cake at each pit @spacing of 20-25cm between rows

.FYM@2-3tonnes/acre and neem cake@o.8tonnes/acre as basal dose

.Bordeaux mixture 1% for leaf spot and leaf blotch

.Trichoderma 10g(at the time of planting)

  1. Yield /ha
  2. BC Ratio
  3. Farmers reaction



Intercropping of Ginger with Leuceanaleucocephala



.Leuceanaleucocephalawill be planted between Ginger at a spacing of 6mx6m

.Ginger spacing= 25cm x 25cm


1)Effect of leuceanaleucocephalaon growth and yield attributes of intercropped Ginger


2)Suitable Agro-forestry system


3)BC ratio


4) Farmers reaction